文冬县武吉丁宜华小于2010年11月18 日 举办 第 53 届 毕业典礼暨恳亲晚会, 邀请卫生部长拿督斯里廖中莱主持开幕,部长未克出席,
谭永建校长在致词时指出: 教育是一门不可怠工的事业。为了培育德,智,体,群,美 均能平衡发展的新生代,
由于今年学校没有获得政府的额外拨款, 所以一些硬体设备没有进一步的提升,所幸的是,
文冬县武吉丁宜华小于2010年11月18 日 举办 第 53 届 毕业典礼暨恳亲晚会, 邀请卫生部长拿督斯里廖中莱主持开幕,部长未克出席,
谭永建校长在致词时指出: 教育是一门不可怠工的事业。为了培育德,智,体,群,美 均能平衡发展的新生代,
由于今年学校没有获得政府的额外拨款, 所以一些硬体设备没有进一步的提升,所幸的是,
Children's Day celebration 2010 - SJKC Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang.
More than 200 pupils and teachers of SJKC Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang had a “RICH” children day celebration this year. The school PTA collected more than RM10,000 for this occasion. The pupils are seen bringing home a full load of goodies comprising of fried chicken, nutritious biscuits, cultured drinks, light snacks, burgers, popsicles and one half of a big watermelon! Each child was also given a pencil case, money box and a non-woven green bag.
School Head Mr. Thum Veng Keng urged students that this year was the most abundant of goodies being given out over the years. The children not only received a bag full of rewards but it also represented a labour of love from their teachers and parents. He hoped that the children would be grateful and thank their teachers and parents for this year’s Children’s Day preparations. The headmaster also shared a few pointers on his experience in educating the young.
On October 2010, the pupils of SJK(C) Bukit Tinggi visited New Era Organic Farm in Janda Baik. They were welcomed by farm owner, Mr. Ho. On the way to the farm, the pupils were required to pick and separate the garbage on the roadside. In the farm, they learnt about growing organic vegetables that is opposite the commercial vegetable farming. The farm does not use any harmful insecticide as pest control. Through a story told by Mrs. Ho, the students learnt about a food chain consisting of vegetables, aphids, ladybugs, crickets and birds. This shows how biological control can be much more healthier and efficient for humans and Mother Earth rather than using hazardous chemicals. Games and interactive activities followed, the children participated in a fun-filled activity which required them to name different plants according to the clues given to them.
彭亨文冬县武吉丁宜华小200 余学生欢庆2010年儿童节
( 2010年10月8日)
彭亨文冬县武吉丁宜华小于今日上午欢庆2010年儿童节。 大清早, 同学们兴高采烈的在礼堂集合。先是举行华语歌唱比赛,41位同学
班级 | 冠军 | 亚军 | 季军 |
学前班 | 曾靖雯 | 黄德财 | 黄咏诗 |
一年级 | 陈歆蕙 | 黄伟贤 | 黄敏仪 |
二年级 | 钱恺儿 | 钱恺凌 | 周碧璇 |
三年级 | 梁茵琪 | 王柔予 | 黎觉嫔 |
四年级 | 黄敏敏 | 胡欣儿 | 崔伟文 |
五年级 | 刘佩婷 | 陈彩虹 | 陈秀清 |
六年级 | 郑诗敏 | 钱嘉 | 温美玲 |
本校谭永健校长在致词时,恳切感谢 所有热心捐助现金及恩物的家长及商界人士。今年共筹得 现金超过1万令吉,共分发 350 份恩物。因此孩子们将获得价值 约 30 令吉的儿童节恩物。每个 环保袋里盛的食品有: 香脆炸鸡, 营养饼干, 营养饮料,零食,汉堡包,雪条及大西瓜! 还有爱心扑满, 爱心笔盒。校长告诉孩子们: 这是历年来最丰厚的恩物,孩子们获得的不单是一袋满满的礼物, 也包含了师长们一袋细腻的爱心。 盼望孩子们以感恩的心 , 感谢父母与师长为这次儿童节准备的活动及丰厚的恩物。 谭校长也与在场的家长们分享教育子女心得,
谭校长也借此机会衷心感谢 本村 著名 社团- 武吉丁宜体育及休闲俱乐部捐献 3 千令吉暨4 把站立式风扇和一个抽风机,共价值1249 令吉。 盼望同学们珍惜及好好使用所获得的物品。
本校家协副主席黄海林先生赞扬本村各界人士 的热心回馈。他呼吁同学们 学习投桃报李的心态:“昨天我享用了前辈的食物和礼物,
武吉丁宜华小董事长陈亚斯先生欣喜感谢各界 的鼎力捐献, 今年现金突破一万令吉;表明了大家对本校的热心爱戴,盼望孩子们以优秀的品行学业作为回报。 本校将把盈余的献金作为毕业典礼及颁奖礼 之学术奖金。
http:// hillsideprimary.blogspot.com